Frequently Asked Questions

How many times per year is Adventure Cyclist magazine published?

Four times per year. The issues are: Spring (in mailboxes late March), Summer (late June), Fall (late September), and Winter (early December).

How can I get Adventure Cyclist magazine delivered to my home?

By becoming a member of Adventure Cycling Association. Join now.

Is there a separate subscription for the magazine without becoming a member?

No. You can only get Adventure Cyclist if you are a member of Adventure Cycling Association. Adventure Cycling Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Adventure Cycling is a registered charity with Tax ID 23-7427629. Your membership is fully tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.

Is Adventure Cyclist available for viewing on mobile devices?

We have the latest issues of Adventure Cyclist available on the website for current members as downloadable PDF files. You need to log in to your My Adventure Cycling account to be able to download the full issues. You can create a My Adventure Cycling account if you have not done so already.

All mobile devices should have an application that can display PDF files, and if they do not, such an application should be available through the device’s respective application market.

What is the content of Adventure Cyclist magazine?

Features are bicycle travel related, both domestic and international. Content also includes expert advice, gear reviews, riding companions, and news about the organization and the bicycling world.

Is Adventure Cyclist’s content available online?

Yes. Recent issues are available as PDFs on our Digital Adventure Cyclist page at the Digital Hub membership level and higher. Select magazine stories are occasionally posted on the Adventure Cycling blog

Can anyone be published in Adventure Cyclist magazine?

Yes. Anyone can submit an article and/or photo(s) and possibly be selected for publication.

What is the best way to get published in Adventure Cyclist magazine?

Everyone who submits a story believes it is interesting and unique. While the experience may have been, the written story may not be. For it to be published, the story needs to stand out from the many other submissions. If it is poorly written or unorganized, has misspellings and other grammatical errors, or reads like daily entries in a diary, its chances of being published will be slim. And if you’ve got great photos, your chances will increase significantly. For our submissions guidelines and more information on this subject, go to submissions.

Does Adventure Cyclist magazine pay for content and photographs?

Yes. See online submissions guidelines.

Are back issues of Adventure Cyclist magazine available?

Limited stocks are available. To make sure your desired issues are available, call 800.755.2453. In stock issues are available for $10 each by sending a check or money order, along with a list of issues you’d like, to: Adventure Cycling Association, P.O. Box 8308, Missoula, MT 59807. You can also order by phone at 800.755.2453.

Do you accept advertising in Adventure Cyclist magazine?

No. As of the Spring 2025 issue, Adventure Cyclist magazine will no longer display advertising from outside advertisers. Adventure Cycling does offer digital advertising in our twice-monthly, 150,000-subscriber Bike Bits newsletter. See our advertiser’s page for more information.

Does Adventure Cyclist magazine use a particular style guide or manual?

Yes. We generally rely on the recommendations provided by the The Chicago Manual of Style and Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary to publish Adventure Cyclist. We do, however, reserve the right to use our own standards and styles that do not adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style when we deem it more appropriate for the content we are presenting.